The story takes place in the Xunzhiqiu Academy, and Yuki Shogun (voiced by Mizusai Ki) is innocent and lovely, truly a pistachio. Huifei Suze Walnut (voiced by Yali Ozawa) is down-to-earth and reliable. Her strength and vitality have influenced everyone around her. Ruoxiao Youli (voiced by Shidao Zhenyang) is gentle and strong, which is in everyone's mind
The story takes place in the Xunzhiqiu Academy, and Yuki Shogun (voiced by Mizusai Ki) is innocent and lovely, truly a pistachio. Huifei Suze Walnut (voiced by Yali Ozawa) is down-to-earth and reliable. Her strength and vitality have influenced everyone around her. Ruoxiao Youli (voiced by Shidao Zhenyang) is gentle and strong, which is in everyone's mind