The ordinary town of Sanxing has experienced an extraordinary encounter of gods and demons. Ji Caizhi (played by Zhong Jiaxin), a cheerful, optimistic, and helpful "lottery girl", is a well-known living treasure in Sanxing Town and deeply loved by the town residents. Her two good friends, Shi Dang (played by Chen Haomin), who bullies the good and bullies the weak, and the ugly girl Jiang Qian (played by Chen Siqi)
The ordinary town of Sanxing has experienced an extraordinary encounter of gods and demons. Ji Caizhi (played by Zhong Jiaxin), a cheerful, optimistic, and helpful "lottery girl", is a well-known living treasure in Sanxing Town and deeply loved by the town residents. Her two good friends, Shi Dang (played by Chen Haomin), who bullies the good and bullies the weak, and the ugly girl Jiang Qian (played by Chen Siqi)