In the ninth year of the Eiroku era (1566), during the Warring States period in Japan, eight destitute samurai fled to a certain mountain village, and from then on, they retired and returned to the fields, living the life of an ordinary farmer. Shortly thereafter, the Maori clan pursued the hidden warriors, and villager Zhuang Zuoweimen (played by Hashimoto Gong) planned to kill the warriors. The samurai put down a curse and framed him before his death
In the ninth year of the Eiroku era (1566), during the Warring States period in Japan, eight destitute samurai fled to a certain mountain village, and from then on, they retired and returned to the fields, living the life of an ordinary farmer. Shortly thereafter, the Maori clan pursued the hidden warriors, and villager Zhuang Zuoweimen (played by Hashimoto Gong) planned to kill the warriors. The samurai put down a curse and framed him before his death