Hasegawa Shin (voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki) and his younger sister Amon (voiced by Ichiro Kikuto) have always lived under the shadow of domestic violence. The cruelty and violence of his father, Yoshimasa Shiro (voiced by Hiroshi Yoshizawa), have long exceeded the limits that a normal person can bear. The siblings have known from a young age that they are sensitive to the constant violence towards their families
Hasegawa Shin (voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki) and his younger sister Amon (voiced by Ichiro Kikuto) have always lived under the shadow of domestic violence. The cruelty and violence of his father, Yoshimasa Shiro (voiced by Hiroshi Yoshizawa), have long exceeded the limits that a normal person can bear. The siblings have known from a young age that they are sensitive to the constant violence towards their families