This film is adapted from the autobiographical novel of the same name by the late novelist Makoto Takayama. The protagonist, Hirosuke (played by Ryohira Suzuki), whose mother passed away at the age of 14 and who came to Tokyo to become a fashion magazine editor, has always used his gorgeous clothes as armor to protect himself. At this moment, he met Longtai (played by Miyazawa Icefish), who was unaware of his beauty,
This film is adapted from the autobiographical novel of the same name by the late novelist Makoto Takayama. The protagonist, Hirosuke (played by Ryohira Suzuki), whose mother passed away at the age of 14 and who came to Tokyo to become a fashion magazine editor, has always used his gorgeous clothes as armor to protect himself. At this moment, he met Longtai (played by Miyazawa Icefish), who was unaware of his beauty,