The ocean hegemon, the giant toothed shark, is stirring up another storm this summer! Jonas Taylor (played by Jason Stanson) and scientist Zhang Jiuming (played by Wu Jing) teamed up to embark on an exploration mission into the depths of 7000 meters underwater. They unexpectedly encountered an attack from a pack of prehistoric giant marine overlords, the giant toothed shark, and will also face the fierce and dangerous ancient battles
The ocean hegemon, the giant toothed shark, is stirring up another storm this summer! Jonas Taylor (played by Jason Stanson) and scientist Zhang Jiuming (played by Wu Jing) teamed up to embark on an exploration mission into the depths of 7000 meters underwater. They unexpectedly encountered an attack from a pack of prehistoric giant marine overlords, the giant toothed shark, and will also face the fierce and dangerous ancient battles