On August 8, 2009, a merciless wind disaster devastated the small mountain town of Jiaxian Township in Kaohsiung County, leaving only a desolate scene. But a group of children from Jiaxian Elementary School, in an environment lacking tug of war shoes and dedicated tug of war channels, strive to fight for the highest honor for their hometown, trying to regain their confidence and courage after being devastated by the wind disaster.
On August 8, 2009, a merciless wind disaster devastated the small mountain town of Jiaxian Township in Kaohsiung County, leaving only a desolate scene. But a group of children from Jiaxian Elementary School, in an environment lacking tug of war shoes and dedicated tug of war channels, strive to fight for the highest honor for their hometown, trying to regain their confidence and courage after being devastated by the wind disaster.