This drama tells the story of Comrade Liu Shaoqi's life, as he travels through the "four rural areas" of county, provincial, imperial, and national gates, seeking truth from facts and the "Eight Character Classic". He is determined to find the truth of saving the country and building a new China! In 1921, Liu Shaoqi joined the Communist Party at Moscow Oriental University. One year later, after completing his studies, he returned to China and received
This drama tells the story of Comrade Liu Shaoqi's life, as he travels through the "four rural areas" of county, provincial, imperial, and national gates, seeking truth from facts and the "Eight Character Classic". He is determined to find the truth of saving the country and building a new China! In 1921, Liu Shaoqi joined the Communist Party at Moscow Oriental University. One year later, after completing his studies, he returned to China and received