The drama is adapted from the novel of the same name by Hiroki Nagoka, and is set in a police academy that trains police officers. It depicts the stories of students who challenge their limits and achieve growth. Students who play the police academy, such as Ashikaga Kudo, Chuna Kawaguchi, Rin Seto, Kui Watanabe, Kazuki Inoue, Tomita Wangsheng, Ryosuke Oufang, and Yoshida Murai, will receive a strict teaching style
The drama is adapted from the novel of the same name by Hiroki Nagoka, and is set in a police academy that trains police officers. It depicts the stories of students who challenge their limits and achieve growth. Students who play the police academy, such as Ashikaga Kudo, Chuna Kawaguchi, Rin Seto, Kui Watanabe, Kazuki Inoue, Tomita Wangsheng, Ryosuke Oufang, and Yoshida Murai, will receive a strict teaching style