On the day of the wedding of Zhao Wuji (played by Di Long), the leader of the martial arts world, the Prince of the Great Wind Hall, a group of Tang Clan members from Sichuan, who specialize in developing strange hidden weapons, entered the hall and publicly offered 100000 taels of gold to purchase the head of the Great Wind Hall leader Zhao Jian. That night, Zhao Jian died tragically, and the second in command Shangguan Jian (played by Gu Feng) defected to the Tang Clan with his head. Carrying the burden of killing one's father
On the day of the wedding of Zhao Wuji (played by Di Long), the leader of the martial arts world, the Prince of the Great Wind Hall, a group of Tang Clan members from Sichuan, who specialize in developing strange hidden weapons, entered the hall and publicly offered 100000 taels of gold to purchase the head of the Great Wind Hall leader Zhao Jian. That night, Zhao Jian died tragically, and the second in command Shangguan Jian (played by Gu Feng) defected to the Tang Clan with his head. Carrying the burden of killing one's father