Akira Harada (played by Lin Jidu)'s grandfather, Yozo Sugahara (played by Moto Sugahara), was once a baseball coach. Influenced by this, Akira developed a great interest in baseball and discovered his exceptional pitching skills. Coincidentally, there is a frail and sickly younger brother named Qingbo (played by Gunda Shengyu), whose mother spends most of her time
Akira Harada (played by Lin Jidu)'s grandfather, Yozo Sugahara (played by Moto Sugahara), was once a baseball coach. Influenced by this, Akira developed a great interest in baseball and discovered his exceptional pitching skills. Coincidentally, there is a frail and sickly younger brother named Qingbo (played by Gunda Shengyu), whose mother spends most of her time