This film is adapted from a true story. Shiwa (Zhao Qiang), a rural child, lost his mother from a young age and relied on his father (Jiang Hualin) and sister (Yan Danchen). When he grew up to seven years old, his father, who was struggling with his livelihood, could no longer provide enough money for him and his sister to study at the same time. A copper spoon caused his outstanding sister to drop out of school, and his father Ding
This film is adapted from a true story. Shiwa (Zhao Qiang), a rural child, lost his mother from a young age and relied on his father (Jiang Hualin) and sister (Yan Danchen). When he grew up to seven years old, his father, who was struggling with his livelihood, could no longer provide enough money for him and his sister to study at the same time. A copper spoon caused his outstanding sister to drop out of school, and his father Ding