Under the leadership of Luo Yingwei (played by Li Yuan), a female cadre with a talkative physique, three young female police officers from the archives of Pingling Public Security Bureau: Cai Wenxin (played by Shi Shi), a "gossip queen", Xia Luoyang (played by Pu Grape), and Feng Yi (played by Xu Yuan), a "silent clerk", form an astonishing group
Under the leadership of Luo Yingwei (played by Li Yuan), a female cadre with a talkative physique, three young female police officers from the archives of Pingling Public Security Bureau: Cai Wenxin (played by Shi Shi), a "gossip queen", Xia Luoyang (played by Pu Grape), and Feng Yi (played by Xu Yuan), a "silent clerk", form an astonishing group