The film tells the story of a group of young crew members who are preparing to shoot an MV. They are not afraid of online rumors of being haunted and insist on staying overnight in a haunted area to save on budget expenses. After ending a relationship, the male lead in the MV, Nack, couldn't immerse himself in the festive atmosphere until he ran into a mysterious woman named Bupa who was also traumatized in his relationship at a hotel,
The film tells the story of a group of young crew members who are preparing to shoot an MV. They are not afraid of online rumors of being haunted and insist on staying overnight in a haunted area to save on budget expenses. After ending a relationship, the male lead in the MV, Nack, couldn't immerse himself in the festive atmosphere until he ran into a mysterious woman named Bupa who was also traumatized in his relationship at a hotel,