"New Life Diary" is a reality show about Mango TV's pregnancy life observation. Starting from June 19th, it will be exclusively broadcasted on Mango TV every Wednesday at noon. The program will comprehensively record four couples: Madonna and Jiang Chao, Li Aizhang and Xu Ning, Ma Jianyue and Zhang Jie, and Chen Ran and Liu Zhiman (Mark) from their wives' pregnancy to before giving birth
"New Life Diary" is a reality show about Mango TV's pregnancy life observation. Starting from June 19th, it will be exclusively broadcasted on Mango TV every Wednesday at noon. The program will comprehensively record four couples: Madonna and Jiang Chao, Li Aizhang and Xu Ning, Ma Jianyue and Zhang Jie, and Chen Ran and Liu Zhiman (Mark) from their wives' pregnancy to before giving birth