The drama focuses on the rebirth of the Nirvana in Tiexi District, Shenyang City, and is set against the backdrop of the reform of state-owned enterprises and the revitalization of national industries in the early 1990s. It passionately portrays the ten years of ordinary workers in Tiexi District, who have gone through unimaginable pains, struggles, and sacrifices in the historical process and the tide of reform and opening up, and finally emerge from birth
The drama focuses on the rebirth of the Nirvana in Tiexi District, Shenyang City, and is set against the backdrop of the reform of state-owned enterprises and the revitalization of national industries in the early 1990s. It passionately portrays the ten years of ordinary workers in Tiexi District, who have gone through unimaginable pains, struggles, and sacrifices in the historical process and the tide of reform and opening up, and finally emerge from birth