"The Burning Eyebrow Crisis" tells the story of the Youyu Pass, which is in dire straits under the long-term siege of the Fan army. However, under the control of the treacherous prime minister Yan Song, the court government stands idly by, and the Youyu Pass defender Yang Xuan can only lead his troops to resist stubbornly, waiting for the support of the friendly army for food and supplies. The grain and grass escorted by the Ping An Escort Agency were safely delivered to Youyu Pass in the midst of the raging war
"The Burning Eyebrow Crisis" tells the story of the Youyu Pass, which is in dire straits under the long-term siege of the Fan army. However, under the control of the treacherous prime minister Yan Song, the court government stands idly by, and the Youyu Pass defender Yang Xuan can only lead his troops to resist stubbornly, waiting for the support of the friendly army for food and supplies. The grain and grass escorted by the Ping An Escort Agency were safely delivered to Youyu Pass in the midst of the raging war