Unfortunately, a high school student named Ayazaki Sasa was forced to work hard to waste her parents. Little did she know that her parents, who had borrowed 150 million yen in high interest loans, had fled and used Ayazaki Sasa herself to offset the debt. In order to repay the high debt and evade the pursuit of high interest loans, Ayazaki Sa chose to kidnap a young girl. But by chance and by chance
Unfortunately, a high school student named Ayazaki Sasa was forced to work hard to waste her parents. Little did she know that her parents, who had borrowed 150 million yen in high interest loans, had fled and used Ayazaki Sasa herself to offset the debt. In order to repay the high debt and evade the pursuit of high interest loans, Ayazaki Sa chose to kidnap a young girl. But by chance and by chance