In 1938, against the backdrop of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Chiang Kai shek believed in slander and ordered the Xi'an spy organization to secretly cut off Xuan Xiafu, a senior councilor of the 18th Group Army and a member of the Communist Party of China. This action sparked strong protests from the Communist Party of China. Under pressure from public opinion, the Kuomintang was forced to establish an anti Japanese special agency in Xi'an to investigate the disappearance of Xuan Xiafu
In 1938, against the backdrop of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Chiang Kai shek believed in slander and ordered the Xi'an spy organization to secretly cut off Xuan Xiafu, a senior councilor of the 18th Group Army and a member of the Communist Party of China. This action sparked strong protests from the Communist Party of China. Under pressure from public opinion, the Kuomintang was forced to establish an anti Japanese special agency in Xi'an to investigate the disappearance of Xuan Xiafu