The drama tells the story of the female protagonist who lost her beloved friend due to a serial murder case. After 19 years, she tracks the serial murder case again and exposes the true face of the huge evil. Jin Ruiheng plays a detective named Che Yingzhen from the Serious Crime Unit. She carries a sense of guilt and guilt as she did not protect her beloved friend when she was young. She carries a heavy burden and vows to go forward
The drama tells the story of the female protagonist who lost her beloved friend due to a serial murder case. After 19 years, she tracks the serial murder case again and exposes the true face of the huge evil. Jin Ruiheng plays a detective named Che Yingzhen from the Serious Crime Unit. She carries a sense of guilt and guilt as she did not protect her beloved friend when she was young. She carries a heavy burden and vows to go forward