Yueya Er (played by Kim Chen), who runs away from home after escaping marriage, coincidentally meets the mysterious immortal mage Wuxin (played by Han Dongjun). Due to the favor of Yueya Er's half steamed bun, Wuxin decides to give Yueya Er a favor - to earn money by catching demons, and to enjoy spicy food with Yueya Er. The first business deal between Heartless and Crescent comes from the military
Yueya Er (played by Kim Chen), who runs away from home after escaping marriage, coincidentally meets the mysterious immortal mage Wuxin (played by Han Dongjun). Due to the favor of Yueya Er's half steamed bun, Wuxin decides to give Yueya Er a favor - to earn money by catching demons, and to enjoy spicy food with Yueya Er. The first business deal between Heartless and Crescent comes from the military