Daimon Masayu (played by Yuki Shibata) was born into a family of criminal law officers, and her father, Shiro (played by Mizumi Yanjian), was once a prominent figure in the police industry. Pian Tongzhou Ping (played by Ichiki Zemura) is the partner of Zhenyou and also a former disciple of Shilang. The two complement each other's personalities and work together seamlessly. A person named Kato Chiyoshi
Daimon Masayu (played by Yuki Shibata) was born into a family of criminal law officers, and her father, Shiro (played by Mizumi Yanjian), was once a prominent figure in the police industry. Pian Tongzhou Ping (played by Ichiki Zemura) is the partner of Zhenyou and also a former disciple of Shilang. The two complement each other's personalities and work together seamlessly. A person named Kato Chiyoshi