Yu Guo (played by Wen Zhang), who is leisurely living a comfortable life in a certain auto repair shop, suddenly becomes dizzy and disoriented by his son Xia Xia (played by Zhu Jiayu) who falls from the sky. Originally, he went to the United States to exchange ideas with his good friend Qi Dasheng (played by Liu Huan) and co wrote with Stanford's talented student Xia Xiaobai (played by Yin Hang) who served as a local companion
Yu Guo (played by Wen Zhang), who is leisurely living a comfortable life in a certain auto repair shop, suddenly becomes dizzy and disoriented by his son Xia Xia (played by Zhu Jiayu) who falls from the sky. Originally, he went to the United States to exchange ideas with his good friend Qi Dasheng (played by Liu Huan) and co wrote with Stanford's talented student Xia Xiaobai (played by Yin Hang) who served as a local companion