A young wrestler named Naren (played by Zhao Ke), who grew up on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, was invited to Japan to perform wrestling. Before leaving, Jin Yue's mother-in-law (played by Siqin Gaowa) asked her to search for her grandson Chi Na Si (played by Chen Weiting), who had been separated for more than ten years. Wrestling club host Boshi always wears a clown mask and behaves arrogantly
A young wrestler named Naren (played by Zhao Ke), who grew up on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, was invited to Japan to perform wrestling. Before leaving, Jin Yue's mother-in-law (played by Siqin Gaowa) asked her to search for her grandson Chi Na Si (played by Chen Weiting), who had been separated for more than ten years. Wrestling club host Boshi always wears a clown mask and behaves arrogantly