The popular novel "Quit, I Dismissed the Black Heart Company" by Kitagawa Kankai is adapted into a movie, directed by Yuzuru Narima and starring Fuji Cangtai. Kudo Asuka, Kuroki Wah, Koike Rongzi, and Yoshida Gangtaro also appear in the film. It tells the story of Aoyama Takashi being oppressed and mentally stressed in the company, but being infected by his friend Yamamoto's vitality and recovering
The popular novel "Quit, I Dismissed the Black Heart Company" by Kitagawa Kankai is adapted into a movie, directed by Yuzuru Narima and starring Fuji Cangtai. Kudo Asuka, Kuroki Wah, Koike Rongzi, and Yoshida Gangtaro also appear in the film. It tells the story of Aoyama Takashi being oppressed and mentally stressed in the company, but being infected by his friend Yamamoto's vitality and recovering