The film tells the story of Gao Xin (Zhang Qianru), a 28 year old urban white-collar female leader who is full of family and social pressure to urge marriage, and accidentally meets Lu Ronger (Zhong Zhengru), a 26 year old male leader who has unique zero love experience in pursuit of the anime dream. In the process of getting along, we attract each other and ultimately decide to talk with the goal of not getting married
The film tells the story of Gao Xin (Zhang Qianru), a 28 year old urban white-collar female leader who is full of family and social pressure to urge marriage, and accidentally meets Lu Ronger (Zhong Zhengru), a 26 year old male leader who has unique zero love experience in pursuit of the anime dream. In the process of getting along, we attract each other and ultimately decide to talk with the goal of not getting married