The film revolves around the theme of winning the battle against poverty and fully entering a moderately prosperous society. The main storyline revolves around the protagonist, the female village chief, leading the villagers to lift themselves out of poverty and become prosperous. It tells the story of Zhao Huijie (played by Fang Qingzhuo), who, after leading the villagers in a failed carrot cultivation campaign, begins to raise doubts about her. Faced with heavy pressure, she summarized her experiences and lessons
The film revolves around the theme of winning the battle against poverty and fully entering a moderately prosperous society. The main storyline revolves around the protagonist, the female village chief, leading the villagers to lift themselves out of poverty and become prosperous. It tells the story of Zhao Huijie (played by Fang Qingzhuo), who, after leading the villagers in a failed carrot cultivation campaign, begins to raise doubts about her. Faced with heavy pressure, she summarized her experiences and lessons