This kung fu film was filmed in 1981, directed by Zhang Che and written by Ni Kuang. The story tells of "Fork Hand" as a newly emerging organization in the martial arts world, specializing in killing martial arts heroes. They all act with masks, so no one knows who they are "Eight Armed Nezha" Qi Shanyun (Jiang Sheng), together with Zeng Jun (Qian Xiaohao) and Liang Yong (Zhu)
This kung fu film was filmed in 1981, directed by Zhang Che and written by Ni Kuang. The story tells of "Fork Hand" as a newly emerging organization in the martial arts world, specializing in killing martial arts heroes. They all act with masks, so no one knows who they are "Eight Armed Nezha" Qi Shanyun (Jiang Sheng), together with Zeng Jun (Qian Xiaohao) and Liang Yong (Zhu)