The movie tells the story of obstetrician Fang Hao's arduous journey of learning and pursuing love. During his college years, Fang Hao, who suffered from dizziness, was transferred to study medicine due to a voluntary transfer. He almost wanted to give up medicine, but in order to be with his beloved girl Shen Youyou, his persistent love and self redemption began. Fang Hao and his strange room in his college career
The movie tells the story of obstetrician Fang Hao's arduous journey of learning and pursuing love. During his college years, Fang Hao, who suffered from dizziness, was transferred to study medicine due to a voluntary transfer. He almost wanted to give up medicine, but in order to be with his beloved girl Shen Youyou, his persistent love and self redemption began. Fang Hao and his strange room in his college career