The movie "Uncle Maoshan" mainly tells the story of Ren Laotai, a wealthy businessman in Renjia Town, Hong Kong, who passed away due to illness during the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. At the same time, a "blood demon" suddenly appeared in the town, and "Uncle Maoshan" Mao Xiaofang and two disciples assisted Captain Cao Waizui in investigating the "blood demon" and revealing the truth.
The movie "Uncle Maoshan" mainly tells the story of Ren Laotai, a wealthy businessman in Renjia Town, Hong Kong, who passed away due to illness during the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. At the same time, a "blood demon" suddenly appeared in the town, and "Uncle Maoshan" Mao Xiaofang and two disciples assisted Captain Cao Waizui in investigating the "blood demon" and revealing the truth.