The film tells the story of thirty years ago, table tennis veteran Yang Guoqiang (played by his younger sister) gave up his most important competition in life to take care of his grandson Yang Shuangxi (played by Mushroom Head). Now that Yang Guoqiang is suffering from senile dementia, Yang Shuangxi is deeply moved to learn the truth of the past. In order to fulfill his grandfather's life, he lobbied several folk table tennis players with unique skills
The film tells the story of thirty years ago, table tennis veteran Yang Guoqiang (played by his younger sister) gave up his most important competition in life to take care of his grandson Yang Shuangxi (played by Mushroom Head). Now that Yang Guoqiang is suffering from senile dementia, Yang Shuangxi is deeply moved to learn the truth of the past. In order to fulfill his grandfather's life, he lobbied several folk table tennis players with unique skills