Lin Guoquan, the captain of the Kowloon City Police Force Racing Team in Hong Kong (played by Yam Tat wah), is a diligent and not surprising looking uncle. However, whenever encountering unexpected situations on the streets and alleys, Brother Kwon will show his skills and subdue the ruthless villains. Originally, Quan Ge was an excellent police officer in the Criminal Investigation Department, but in order to take care of his intellectually disabled life
Lin Guoquan, the captain of the Kowloon City Police Force Racing Team in Hong Kong (played by Yam Tat wah), is a diligent and not surprising looking uncle. However, whenever encountering unexpected situations on the streets and alleys, Brother Kwon will show his skills and subdue the ruthless villains. Originally, Quan Ge was an excellent police officer in the Criminal Investigation Department, but in order to take care of his intellectually disabled life