Adapted from the novel "Flea Attendant" by Shigeru Komatsu, the samurai played by Kobayashi Hiroyuki is exiled as a "Kobayashi samurai" who sells "meat" to female customers under the guise of killing cat fleas after offending the lord. The first guest, Xiao Feng (played by Nino Terajima), looked like his deceased wife, but was scolded for his poor bed skills in just a few minutes,
Adapted from the novel "Flea Attendant" by Shigeru Komatsu, the samurai played by Kobayashi Hiroyuki is exiled as a "Kobayashi samurai" who sells "meat" to female customers under the guise of killing cat fleas after offending the lord. The first guest, Xiao Feng (played by Nino Terajima), looked like his deceased wife, but was scolded for his poor bed skills in just a few minutes,