The story takes place in the small port city of Sanjin Bin in the western part of Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture. After losing his parents, Naaru Hara Taira (played by Yomiya Yoshiaki) and his younger brother, Kita (played by Hiroshi Murakami), rely on each other for survival. For Tai Liang, life seems to have no hope, only to run at full speed until destruction. Tai Liang, who works at the shipyard
The story takes place in the small port city of Sanjin Bin in the western part of Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture. After losing his parents, Naaru Hara Taira (played by Yomiya Yoshiaki) and his younger brother, Kita (played by Hiroshi Murakami), rely on each other for survival. For Tai Liang, life seems to have no hope, only to run at full speed until destruction. Tai Liang, who works at the shipyard