Raid on the Witch is an animation about military themes. The story is set with a total of 8 witch armies, including 501 Assault Witch, 502 Courage Witch from the Eastern Front, 503 Typhoon Witch from the Eastern Front, 504 Mad Witch from the Principality of Romania, 505 Phantom Witch from the Urals, and 506 Noble Witches from Gaul
Raid on the Witch is an animation about military themes. The story is set with a total of 8 witch armies, including 501 Assault Witch, 502 Courage Witch from the Eastern Front, 503 Typhoon Witch from the Eastern Front, 504 Mad Witch from the Principality of Romania, 505 Phantom Witch from the Urals, and 506 Noble Witches from Gaul