The drama mainly tells the various events that occur within the family of Jiang Yuxuan, played by Tian Jiada, and Ke Xin, played by Hai Lu. In the drama, Jiang Yuxuan and his younger sister have had a very close relationship since childhood. They always prioritize their younger sister and protect her from being bullied by others. Jiang Yuxuan matches his friends to pursue his younger sister, hoping that she can have a
The drama mainly tells the various events that occur within the family of Jiang Yuxuan, played by Tian Jiada, and Ke Xin, played by Hai Lu. In the drama, Jiang Yuxuan and his younger sister have had a very close relationship since childhood. They always prioritize their younger sister and protect her from being bullied by others. Jiang Yuxuan matches his friends to pursue his younger sister, hoping that she can have a