Yamamoto (played by Takeshi Kitano), who has failed in a gang fight, has no choice but to find his younger brother Akane (played by Musashi Maki) who is far away in Los Angeles, USA. In a strange city where he couldn't understand the language, Yamamoto found his younger brother, but he had become a drug dealer who didn't take his job seriously. Inevitably, they are involved in gang feuds and power struggles
Yamamoto (played by Takeshi Kitano), who has failed in a gang fight, has no choice but to find his younger brother Akane (played by Musashi Maki) who is far away in Los Angeles, USA. In a strange city where he couldn't understand the language, Yamamoto found his younger brother, but he had become a drug dealer who didn't take his job seriously. Inevitably, they are involved in gang feuds and power struggles