"The Awakening of the Youth in the Battle of Chaos" tells the story of a thin and weak young man named Lin Mo (played by Zhao Yiqin) who has always admired the beautiful head of the school's kendo department, Luo Xiaomaru (played by Ye Ziqi), but has never dared to confess his feelings. Due to his weak personality and being bullied by school bullies, he possesses mysterious powers and works hard to cultivate with the help of the genius Loli Ono (played by Zhao Yunzhuo)
"The Awakening of the Youth in the Battle of Chaos" tells the story of a thin and weak young man named Lin Mo (played by Zhao Yiqin) who has always admired the beautiful head of the school's kendo department, Luo Xiaomaru (played by Ye Ziqi), but has never dared to confess his feelings. Due to his weak personality and being bullied by school bullies, he possesses mysterious powers and works hard to cultivate with the help of the genius Loli Ono (played by Zhao Yunzhuo)