Mao Mao (played by Gao Tianni) travels to a parallel world and becomes penniless. After experiencing difficulties with a boy group (played by Luo Yan, Li Xijie, Huang Wenjin, Bai Yuanhao, and Liang Zexin) who also lost their stage, they return to success. The female protagonist and the boys established a familial friendship during the process, and also achieved self fulfillment
Mao Mao (played by Gao Tianni) travels to a parallel world and becomes penniless. After experiencing difficulties with a boy group (played by Luo Yan, Li Xijie, Huang Wenjin, Bai Yuanhao, and Liang Zexin) who also lost their stage, they return to success. The female protagonist and the boys established a familial friendship during the process, and also achieved self fulfillment