"Tomorrow's Son Crystal Era" is a 10 episode program launched by Tencent Video to create a future music role model. The program is led by Stefanie Sun, Hua Chenyu, Song Dandan, Long Danni, Mao Buyi, and Meng Meiqi as star promoters. The six star promoters each adhere to different professional fields and selection perspectives, searching together in the vast sea of people
"Tomorrow's Son Crystal Era" is a 10 episode program launched by Tencent Video to create a future music role model. The program is led by Stefanie Sun, Hua Chenyu, Song Dandan, Long Danni, Mao Buyi, and Meng Meiqi as star promoters. The six star promoters each adhere to different professional fields and selection perspectives, searching together in the vast sea of people