The drama tells the story of Huang Shaohua, a retired female soldier from the People's Liberation Army and a Communist Party member, who struggled through a tortuous life as the main storyline. The emotional entanglement between Huang Shaohua, Wei Shougen, and Tian Shantang is used as the narrative thread, and the historical period of the Liberation War, the Korean War, and the reform and opening up is used as the background. It reflects the historical changes of Chinese rural areas and a group of farmers who have gone through joys and sorrows
The drama tells the story of Huang Shaohua, a retired female soldier from the People's Liberation Army and a Communist Party member, who struggled through a tortuous life as the main storyline. The emotional entanglement between Huang Shaohua, Wei Shougen, and Tian Shantang is used as the narrative thread, and the historical period of the Liberation War, the Korean War, and the reform and opening up is used as the background. It reflects the historical changes of Chinese rural areas and a group of farmers who have gone through joys and sorrows