This is a drama series about Zhu Bajie. Bajie (played by Xu Zheng) was originally an ordinary little pig who tried every means to escape the fate of being slaughtered and escaped from the pigsty. One day, Bajie encountered Taibai Jinxing (played by Sun Xing) who had come to the human world to pursue and kill the Nine Tailed Cat Demon (played by Weng Hong). At this time, Taibai Jinxing
This is a drama series about Zhu Bajie. Bajie (played by Xu Zheng) was originally an ordinary little pig who tried every means to escape the fate of being slaughtered and escaped from the pigsty. One day, Bajie encountered Taibai Jinxing (played by Sun Xing) who had come to the human world to pursue and kill the Nine Tailed Cat Demon (played by Weng Hong). At this time, Taibai Jinxing