"The Dark Police" tells the story of Zhao Xiaoyang, a police academy student with a strong sense of justice, who, by chance, helps his sister borrow money and embarks on an unexpected undercover journey. With a righteous and upright demeanor, he walks alone on this unfamiliar and tangled path of life. Faced with questioning from his family, confrontation from his lover, and opposition from his brothers, Zhao Xiaoyang grits his teeth tightly
"The Dark Police" tells the story of Zhao Xiaoyang, a police academy student with a strong sense of justice, who, by chance, helps his sister borrow money and embarks on an unexpected undercover journey. With a righteous and upright demeanor, he walks alone on this unfamiliar and tangled path of life. Faced with questioning from his family, confrontation from his lover, and opposition from his brothers, Zhao Xiaoyang grits his teeth tightly