Chaimen Nuan (played by Fujioka Indigo) lives in a closed and remote small fishing village, where he is about to join hands with his beloved woman, Meguro Kane (played by Mizuki Yamamoto), to enter the palace of marriage. Both of them thought that what awaited them would be a happy and fulfilling life. In the village, there is a man named Yukino Nanjo (played by Tadayoshi Okura)
Chaimen Nuan (played by Fujioka Indigo) lives in a closed and remote small fishing village, where he is about to join hands with his beloved woman, Meguro Kane (played by Mizuki Yamamoto), to enter the palace of marriage. Both of them thought that what awaited them would be a happy and fulfilling life. In the village, there is a man named Yukino Nanjo (played by Tadayoshi Okura)