During the War of Resistance Against Japan in 1944, Tang Fei, a secret intelligence worker of the Communist Party of China who had infiltrated the Lin River Police Department as the head of the criminal department, was led by Cheng Guoxun, the secretary of the Lin River Provincial Committee of the Chinese underground party, and Grasim, the director of the Soviet Far East Intelligence Bureau, to carry out the "Mudanwula" strategic operation of the Soviet Far East Intelligence Bureau. Tang Fei sneaked into the security bureau
During the War of Resistance Against Japan in 1944, Tang Fei, a secret intelligence worker of the Communist Party of China who had infiltrated the Lin River Police Department as the head of the criminal department, was led by Cheng Guoxun, the secretary of the Lin River Provincial Committee of the Chinese underground party, and Grasim, the director of the Soviet Far East Intelligence Bureau, to carry out the "Mudanwula" strategic operation of the Soviet Far East Intelligence Bureau. Tang Fei sneaked into the security bureau