The original work, "Hanazawa Naoki" and "Shimachi no Mikoto", was written by Koichi Ikai and published in a systematic manner. The novel "Koichi no Mikoto no Mikoto" was written by Koichi Ikai. A small and inexplicable collection of writers, such as Mitsutaro and Yamashita, with a strong sense of humor, set fire to and lived in the mountains
The original work, "Hanazawa Naoki" and "Shimachi no Mikoto", was written by Koichi Ikai and published in a systematic manner. The novel "Koichi no Mikoto no Mikoto" was written by Koichi Ikai. A small and inexplicable collection of writers, such as Mitsutaro and Yamashita, with a strong sense of humor, set fire to and lived in the mountains