This is a romantic comedy about a company employee named Yoshinaga Yoshinaga, who is known as the "daughter of ice and iron" due to her expressionless expression, and a handsome and indecisive guy named Yuichi Rimura. One day, Naiyang saw a scene where senior staff were betting with Limura on whether he could be conquered. Naiyang has been secretly in love with Limura for many years. Although it's gambling, I don't want to miss out on it
This is a romantic comedy about a company employee named Yoshinaga Yoshinaga, who is known as the "daughter of ice and iron" due to her expressionless expression, and a handsome and indecisive guy named Yuichi Rimura. One day, Naiyang saw a scene where senior staff were betting with Limura on whether he could be conquered. Naiyang has been secretly in love with Limura for many years. Although it's gambling, I don't want to miss out on it