"The Best Strike" is a youth romance drama series broadcasted on KBS television in South Korea on the Golden Earth channel starting from June 2, 2017. It is directed by Liu Haozhen and Che Tae hyun, written by Lee Young cheol, and starring Yoon Seok yung, Lee See yong, Kim Min zai, Che Tae hyun, and others. The drama mainly tells the story of modern young people's growth after experiencing hardships
"The Best Strike" is a youth romance drama series broadcasted on KBS television in South Korea on the Golden Earth channel starting from June 2, 2017. It is directed by Liu Haozhen and Che Tae hyun, written by Lee Young cheol, and starring Yoon Seok yung, Lee See yong, Kim Min zai, Che Tae hyun, and others. The drama mainly tells the story of modern young people's growth after experiencing hardships