Yumi Wakamura challenges herself to play two roles in one person, telling the story of a part-time housewife named Miyako Hamaoka who unexpectedly becomes a stunt double for a famous actress, Yumi Wakamura. Miaozi is an ordinary housewife who lives with her husband and son, and one day, the staff of the agency where the actress Ruo Caijuandai works approached her. If vegetable
Yumi Wakamura challenges herself to play two roles in one person, telling the story of a part-time housewife named Miyako Hamaoka who unexpectedly becomes a stunt double for a famous actress, Yumi Wakamura. Miaozi is an ordinary housewife who lives with her husband and son, and one day, the staff of the agency where the actress Ruo Caijuandai works approached her. If vegetable