The story tells of the male protagonist Xiaoyuan Fei Lv Dou, who stands out in the entrance exam of Xueyuan Island, where students constantly duel to determine their class. He stands out with the best score in history, and on the first day of his transfer, he defeats last year's absolute king, Kaneshige Kaneshige. At the fastest speed in the history of Xueyuan Island, he won the "7 Stars" at the pinnacle of King's Landing
The story tells of the male protagonist Xiaoyuan Fei Lv Dou, who stands out in the entrance exam of Xueyuan Island, where students constantly duel to determine their class. He stands out with the best score in history, and on the first day of his transfer, he defeats last year's absolute king, Kaneshige Kaneshige. At the fastest speed in the history of Xueyuan Island, he won the "7 Stars" at the pinnacle of King's Landing